OSUCCC Finance Home
Steve Edwards Finance Director Email:Stephen.Edwards@osumc.edu |
The Finance Office has responsibility and oversight of budgeting, strategic financial planning, and all financial matters of the Comprehensive Cancer Center. |
Stacey Hanel Finance Manager Email:Stacey.Hanel@osumc.edu |
Manages the financial affairs for the Comprehensive Cancer Center which includes day to day fiscal administration of all our internal accounts and awards. The team completes the annual budget process and provides monthly reporting and analysis to our Faculty and Staff to keep our accounts in good standing.
Cheryl Phillips Manager of Financial Analysis and Reporting Email:Cheryl.Phillips@osumc.edu |
Provides reports, dashboards, and services to the Cancer Center's leadership and departments to assist with decision-making, and to perform financial analysis and budgeting. Creates business processes to streamline and expedite end-user functionality and improve efficiency. |
Marie Gibbons Pelotonia Senior Admin Manager Email:Marie.Gibbons@osumc.edu |
Directs, coordinates, and administers all administrative activities affiliated with the Pelotonia Scholars Program. |